Monthly meetings are held at the Adelaide Theosophical Society (ground floor, 310 South Terrace, Adelaide) usually on the third Saturday of each month at 2 pm. These meetings are a forum for experienced astrologers to present interesting topics, promote discussion within the group and answer questions. They also provide opportunities to meet others who are interested in astrology.
Would you like to join FAASA?
If you are interested in joining FAASA please contact any member of the FAASA committee and complete the membership form attached here.
FAASA Inc – Current Membership Fees
Full membership
Concession* membership
Joint Membership
*(DSS card required. Concession cards need to be sighted by the Treasurer at meetings when paying membership subs. Only pension cards and health care cards issued by Centrelink are deemed concession.)
If you wish to receive the Journal by post, there is a surcharge of $20/PA for Full Members and $15/PA for Concession Members.
Payment of Membership Fees
You can pay by Direct Deposit to ANZ Stirling
BSB: 015367 Account Number: 499070824
Please advise the Treasurer of your payment by email to
FAASA Postal Address is PO Box 7443 Halifax St Adelaide 5000